Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November... Religions you may not know about month!

Book of the SubGThere are some lesser known religions that certainly aren't in the top 6 (or even top 100) religions in the United States, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, or, better, that they don't deserve some recognition.

The Church of the Subgenius is one of these. From what I can tell, it is more of a mock-religion than an actual religion, but they do have converts and a modest following. The Church of the Subgenius seems to be a religion modeled satirically upon the other major religions. They have a central figure who they call "Bob" who will "widen the scope and nature of abnormal behavior... to explore NEW WAYS of going over the edge and coming back. PLUS to bring back those who couldn't on their own... to help you create the HIGHEST POSSIBLE EARNINGS from the PSYCHODYMANICS of ABNORMALITY... to turn Conspiracy-implanted personality disorders AROUND and channel them into an ILLUSION OF CREATIVITY that will fool normals and GET YOU SEX!"

Their press release (they REALLY need to hire a new marketing person) states: "This is a certified religion of scorn and vengeance directed at all of THEM, the enemies of us Outsiders. It is "self-help" thorugh scoffing and blaspheming, frenzied fornication and the Tumping of Graven Images. The Church provides answers and miracles in the service of SUREAVOLUTION."
Book of the SubG
(THEM is apparently referencing mainstream religion.) For $20.95, you can buy their book, aptly named The Book of the SubGenius which seems to maniacally jump from one theory to another in an effort to "mind control" its readers. Their pamphlets can be bought for $1.50 each.

I read some of the pamphlets and I'm somewhat confused, honestly. This religion seems to be based entirely upon making fun of other religions and also the idea that all people who form a religion are just trying to ellicit financial support, and while this may be true of some, I'm still hoping its not true across the board. Overall, this religion appears to me to be too cynical and sarcastic for me to incorporate into my global belief system, but if you would like a good giggle (and you have a dark sense of humor) or if you would like to apply for a job as their marketing specialist, check out their site at http://www.subgenius.com/index.htm

Does this qualify as a real religion? Maybe not, but they have at least a few followers, and their bleak outlook on the world's religions and God is appealing to some I would say. At most, I think it may just be a parody created by a bunch of Athiests trying to poke fun at those of us who believe in a higher being. Kudos to them for being relatively clever (even if their illustrations are sub pat)... they might have a little too much time on their hands, but I say, if they want to call this a religion, that's their right!

By the way... is anyone else confused as to why their mascot is Ward Cleaver?

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