Thursday, December 6, 2012

why I am an asshole ((or)) objectivity: the new racism

I am objective to a fault. I have this incredibly irritating ability, it seems, to see many sides of an issue at once, and actually understand where they are coming from. This ability drives people CRAZY. It makes them mad. It causes them to rant at me for hours about how my position is WRONG.

But the problem is, mostly, I don’t have a position. Mostly, I just point out the validity of the position that is in direct opposition to their own. The collective “they” don’t like this. The additional, minor, problem is that I don’t have a lot of diplomacy. I like to argue a point logically and rationally, and sometimes with great vigor and passion, but generally that point is not a part of my being.

My counterparts, who are arguing equally vigorously and equally passionately are only arguing that way because their point is integrally WHO THEY ARE. They take offense when I point out their flawed logic because they perceive it as a personal attack, when in reality, in my head it went like this:
Point, Counterpoint, Point, Counterpoint, Point, Counterpoint, SCORE. One for me.
Point, Counterpoint, weak point which is entirely a plea for emotional sympathy, firm counterpoint pointing out the weak emotionalism, dissolves to tears, SCORE. I win.

This is the game I play, and I only just realized I’ve been doing this. And THIS makes me an asshole.

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