Friday, November 9, 2012

apple trees are strong

I had a dream. (This is a common occurrence.)
In my dream, I was near my home, in a safe place. I was driving a small vehicle – like an ATV or tractor – and I drove around to the back of my property.

Behind my home there was an apple tree blooming – the pink petals raining down on the ground, growing wild against a fence. The beauty of it broke my heart and healed it with joy.

As I looked at the ground, I saw tarantulas coming out of dark holes and for a second I was afraid – there were several of them, and I was afraid of their hairy backs and painful venom... But as I drove under the tree, the velvet petals of the flowers brushing my cheeks, I didn't fear them. They couldn’t get me here, I was safe. I may have run over some of them, and they scattered before me, knowing I was too strong for them.

I’ve found as I venture further toward my fear and vulnerability, I find unexpected strength and beauty. My growth is stunning to me, and I’m proud of the fruit that will follow the pink blooms. Apple trees are strong and wise...I hope I’m a little like my apple tree.


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