There is only so much which can be experienced from without. that's true of anything. I could tell that you drew these conclusions from what you observed. You tried to be fair. they only saw what they wanted to see. they fixated on the "negative" and ignored the fact that you said the same could be true of Christians. Offense is a choice we all too often make.
Well, Joni, I applaud your courage. Many of the women surely thought that by the end of your experiment you would become Muslim and so they were "pimping" Islam to you, but when you didn't they showed their true intentions by insulting and summarily dismissed you. I had the same issues the others did, but I realize that you cannot report anything other than what you observe. I love my brothers and sisters in Islam, but many time I have been completely pissed at some of the unpatriotic things I've heard from them. I hope you continue to meet Muslims and learn from them. We come in all shape and sizes and we are all things at different times."
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"Joni.. I honestly, do not feel that you have captured the essence of Islam the way that it is practiced by the majority. I am not certain where you have gotten much of your "numbers" from but I can assure you that a lot of Muslims I know *are* patriotic. A lot of Sisters I know have jobs out side of the home that their husbands support 100%.
I will be the first to stand here and say that my husband supports my decision in being a Doula and Insha'Allah (If Allah Wills), a Midwife. He knows the bumpy road that Midwives and their families endure and he is ready to travel along with me. Alhamdulilah for the man that I married who is not only culturally rich but also Islamically pure AND patriotic to the country in which he IS a citizen of (USA). If it was not FOR HIM, I would not be who I am today. I would not be able to give my time to every cause that I possibly want to. I would not be able to even aspire to what I want to be in life.
In addition, we as Muslim women SHOULD be mindful of our families. It IS a duty to our Creator to manage all of what Allah has given us and if we can do that, juggle school AND a career then there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. I am sure other sisters would agree. And I assure you, there are plenty of us who have the same "family system".
Many of the Muslims I know left their countries to come HERE... they ARE patriotic, more patriotic than a lot of Americans that I know. Goodness, my husband knows more about government and politics than I do as he takes a keen interest in learning about it. He knows more than what we have been taught in school and I think it is great that he does.
There is only thing that Muslims do not forget. It is where they came from and WHO they are returning TO... That is the way we must live our lives. We shouldn't spend our life to adhere to every desire that we have but we should adhere our lives in pleasing the Creator.
I wanted to add one more thing... well, maybe.. My husband is not only supportive of me being a Midwife but he has encouraged me (and paid every cent and watched the kiddos for me) to get my Associates in Early Childhood Teaching. I am complete in my studies except for the work portion in which he is TAKING OFF from work for me to complete so that the children are well taken care of. I cannot give him enough credit for where I am in life.
Thank you for the clarification for the numbers. I know some women in both scenarios but I guess I Just know more women in the same scenario as myself. Allah Knows Best.
It's not about defending *myself* but it is about defending ...the religion of which I belong to. Islam itself allows women to work and make her OWN money. not a single CENT of that money belongs to the husband or family and IF the woman decides to use the money for her family, it is CHARITY! This is the beauty of us working. Suban'Allah! Islam covers all aspects of our lives and men who are truly adhering to Allah's Law.. they are the ones whose wives would be utmost pleased.
May Allah Guide in all that you do and I pray you understand that whatever good I have said is from Allah and whatever wrong I have said is from myself."
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