Saturday, April 2, 2011


I don't take enough time to be grateful for things. I am happy when good things happen to me, and when things are going well, and sometimes I whisper a prayer of thanks for what I have... sometimes when my children are asleep in their beds and I am lying half asleep in my bed, I say thank you out loud for their beauty. Sometimes, when sunshine is out and breeze is stirring, I lift my face to the sky, breathe in the warmth and comfort, and smile my thanks. But I don't practice gratitude regularly.

I don't thank people as often as I should. I often forget to let my co-workers know that I appreciate their efforts along side mine.
I try to remember, but sometimes I'm just overwhelmed and overworked and focused entirely on my own pile of paperwork and I forget to say thanks. I don't say thanks to my kids enough. Or to my ex-husband, doing his part in raising them. Or to their teachers, or to my boss, or to the smiling waiter at my favorite hide-out.

I don't practice gratitude enough, and I wonder if I could come up with One Thousand Gifts as Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience did. Just reflecting today about all of the things that I never acknowledge being thankful for:

~ Giggles from Jesse & Will at Bella's antics
~ A snoring puppy curled up in her bed
~ The way the potting soil felt in my hands when I was planting today
~ Hazelnut Candles
~ My best friends, who I can share my gratitudes and pity parties with
~ Song lyrics that make me thing I'm not alone
~ Love & Beauty all around me

What are you grateful for? And what do you not acknowledge enough?
Check out for some ideas about how to live a more grateful, wholehearted life.

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