Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year New Goals!

So, I was thinking about my goals for 2009... Generally I abstain from [public] New Years Resolutions because [generally] I'm terrified of failure and any symbolence thereof.

That said, I have made some New Year's resolutions this year:
1. Wear lipstick.
haha, I know, thats an easy one. But not one I really do currently. However, I recently got my hair cut very short due to a gross miscommunication between myself and the pro-cuts hairdresser (I shouldn't have believed her when she said after a quick glance at the picture that she knew 'exactly' what I wanted!)... I wound up with short hair. Boy short. not that there's anything wrong with that... but nonetheless, I am now a tall, slim, big eyed boy. With LIPSTICK.

2. Read more books. In 2008, I probably read about 6 or 8 books. Maybe more, since I read in spurts. Maybe more like a dozen. But I'm goaling (like that? I coined a phrase!) - I'm goaling for 1 book a month.

3. Do a full body detox. I don't want to use those nasty drinks to do it, I'm going to try the water and whole foods option. But it does include giving up some things I'm very fond of - you have to eliminate: processed foods (ok with me, I don't like them anyway), alcohol...(it gets worse), sugar!!, caffiene!!!!! and smoking. Oh dear. But I can do it for the limited amount of time it takes to detox, right?
How long does it take anyway???

4. Finish my degree. Only about 7 more hours to do that, so I think its accomplishable!! then I have to decide if I'm going to Nursing school or something. Deciding what to be when I grow up - forever my lament.

On a side note, I discovered something today in my early morning stupor. Something that has been lurking around for months in the shadows and I just haven't noticed or paid attention to... I discovered something that came to me and I can't place when I got it... PEACE. Yes, Peace! Really!

I remember a few years back, after a life lived with fear and apprehension and feeling so down and discouraged, I found hope in my closet. It was hiding, but when I liberated it, it brought me all manner of joy. I got a tattoo at that time, of the Japanese symbol for Hope on my stomach. Its my symbol, just for me, to remind me of what I've gained. I have said since that I longed for peace, and when it came, I would get the symbol tattooed beneath hope. Today, I realized, confident and smiling, that I have peace. Hope and peace. What more could you ask for?

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